Your Team & Well-Being

Looking after your team’s well-being during the pandemic and beyond


Whether your team is in the office or home-working, the chances are they are feeling the pressure of the pandemic, even after this period of 12+ months.

The pandemic has certainly brought its challenges to businesses, it’s employers and employees. Many will be juggling work with home-schooling, social isolation, and fears of what the future may hold.

It is imperative that your employees are looked after, even more so during the pandemic, where everyone is affected. So, what can you do to help?

Here, we have taken 3 Key areas to focus on:

What can you do to increase Morale?

·        Schedule some virtual meetings over zoom. Show the team that you care and that you are there for them. What struggles are they facing? How can you help to ease these struggles they are facing?

·        Update them with good news and encourage them to share their wins and good news. The media is full of bad news and uncertainty at the moment, so turn this around and focus on the good and positive that is happening.

·        Arrange lunch online, have some good food delivered to your employees, helping the local economy as well as treating your employees. Log on and enjoy a leisurely lunch together.

 Well-Being tips to keep your team productive.

·        Introduce a Team Walk, taking 15-20 minutes out of the day to virtually walk together. Giving the opportunity to appreciate the outdoors, whilst re-charging and re-framing is sure to boost productivity.

·        Promote meditation to help reduces stress. Sign post them to mindfulness apps such as Calm or Headspace.

·        Hire an expert to speak to the team/ deliver a workshop about the importance of mental health and well-being.

·        Send weekly motivational email, with tips to keep the importance of well-being at the fore-front of your employees minds as well as a business.

 Stay connected.

·        Let your employees know that you are there for them, that you are approachable and open to discuss any issues or struggles they currently have. Know that they are not alone and that the organisation is there to support them.

·        Have regular 1:1’s for accountability and ask how they are coping. Discuss any flexibility available, if employees are home-schooling and struggling to juggle their working days with family commitments.

·        Review the tools you have available to allow the organisation to communicate with each other.

·        Allow time to stay productive by giving permission to turn off email notifications, social media notifications etc. for a period of time throughout the day.

·        Ensure you have an efficient process for team collaboration and for keeping track of workflows.

·       Give your employees the opportunity to voice their opinions on what is working and what can be improved. Allow them to share their ideas to adapt more efficient ways of working and communicating.

 Implementing steps to increase productivity, morale and well-being goes a long way towards ensuring your employees feel, Happy, Safe and Well.

Are you doing what you can to look after your employees? And do not overlook implementing these for yourself too. Self-care is just as important for you as it is for your employees.

Final Thought…

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver” – Mahatma Gandhi.

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